an eternal peace of mind

a healing yoga

balance your body, focus your mind

Listen to the
Sound of Your Soul

Vivamus magna justo lacinia eget cons ectetur sed conva llisono tellus nulla quis lorem libero malesuada feugiat momento.


Vivamus magna justo lacinia eget cons ectetur sed conva llisono.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit praesent sapien massa convallis pellen tesque nec egestas non nisi cras ultricies ligula sed magna dictum porta donec sollicitudin molestie malesuada vestibulum ac diam sit amet quam vehicula elementum sed sit amet dui vivamus suscipit tortor eget felis porttitor.

Prenatal Yoga: Releasing the Spine

Prenatal Yoga: Releasing the Spine

Restorative Yoga for Stress Relief

Restorative Yoga for Stress Relief

Yin Yoga for the Hips and Hamstrings

Yin Yoga for the Hips and Hamstrings

Strong-Core Flow with Handstand Switch

Strong-Core Flow with Handstand Switch

YONI STEAMS Highly recommend for postpartum

YONI STEAMS Highly recommend for postpartum

Since the beginning of times, healers and midwives have used vaginal herbal steams as an ancient healing practice. Many indigenous cultures still offer this treatment just after women give birth.

The water vapor carries the medicinal benefits of the plants, such as, natural essential oils to the womb. The steam rises and absorbs into the skin offering automatic relaxation and the release of toxins. This stimulates the production of hormones to maintain uterine health, improves menstrual cycles, and helps correct digestive disorders. It relieves hemorrhoids, eliminates any foul odor, and releases emotional blockages. It may help with fibroids, PCOS, endometriosis, infertility, and womb trauma. The yoni steam strengthens the reproductive organs and improves blood circulation. It tones the perineum muscles and soothes the skin. Tightening the vaginal walls and keeping the womb rejuvenated. Yoni steams serves as a detox and relaxes the whole body. Only certified practitioners should perform this practice and not allowed during pregnancy.



Yoga is an ancient practice. This type focuses on the wellness of the female reproductive organs. It strengthens the entire womb, urinary and rectal areas. Tightens the perineum muscles, increase flexibility and beneficial for the entire body. It is a physical and emotional detox. It may help with fibroids, PCOS, endometriosis, infertility, womb trauma and other female reproductive issues.


When one teaches, two learn.

  • Robert Stewart
    Robert Stewart Fitness Teacher
  • Sara G. Christian
    Sara G. Christian Instructure
  • Jennifer Smart
    Jennifer Smart Instructure
  • Mark K. Mays
    Mark K. Mays Instructure
  • Christine Lawson
    Christine Lawson Yoga Therapist
  • Lorenzo B. Smith
    Lorenzo B. Smith Pilates Teacher



Vivamus magna justo lacinia eget cons ectetur sed.

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit praesent sapien massa convallis pellen tesque nec egestas non nisi cras ultricies ligula sed magna dictum margareta elit.

    Stephanie Vogel
    Stephanie Vogel CEO
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit praesent sapien massa convallis pellen tesque nec egestas non nisi cras ultricies ligula sed magna dictum margareta elit.

    Scott R. Gibbs
    Scott R. Gibbs CEO
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit praesent sapien massa convallis pellen tesque nec egestas non nisi cras ultricies ligula sed magna dictum margareta elit.

    Colleen C. Blanchard
    Colleen C. Blanchard Teacher
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